Tuesday, July 14, 2009

For Mari

Today I want to talk about one of my favourite readers, Mari. She is the nicest, kindest, most loving and strongest human person I have come across Despite going through an extremely challenging time in her life right now, she has shown love, care and strength to all around her. I will not go into the details, but Id like to propose we send a prayer to her and her family, so they can continue savouring each day whilst bravely trudging on.

Sending love your way.This one is for you, Mari.


Dionne said...

I don't know Mari, but if you think she's wonderful, then I am sure she is. She will definitely be in my prayers.

An Open Heart said...

What a wonderful gesture....maybe we should carry it on....for a few days.

Mari Mansourian said...

thanks dash for thinking of me
much love

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

that was very lovely :)