Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Today marks the one year anniversary of this blog. When I first started out, this blog was meant to be a venting grounds for me to take me day's stress out. My diary. With lots of notes to self. Today, it has evolved to much more than that. As I leaf through my past entries, I see a smorgasboard of topics. My experiences, and memories with friends and family, good times Ive had as well as reminders about taking care of myself and my search for love. Most of all this blog has blessed me with the friendship of some people I wouldve never known existed any other way.Dionne, Mari, Kaye,Anu, Chelsea, Pri, so many more.It has been terrific so far , and I hope to continue writing and reading for a long time to come.So thank you, everyone, for reading and commenting and making this journey one I treasure!!


Kaye Prince said...

Happy one year blogiversary Dash!

Anu said...

Happy one year to u! May there be many more years to come...

Dionne said...

Awwwww... I have loved meeting you, too! Happy Anniversary!

Mari Mansourian said...

well happy anniversary, and yes it's been great having you as a friend in this corner of the cyber space too

My Favourite Things said...

Happy Birthday! Lovely blog :)

Nishant said...

May there be many more years to come...

Work from home India